Paintings - Landscape

Sketching by the river is like chanting. The sound of the water and the rhythm of my brush wash way sticky thoughts clearing my mind.

Watercolor, 8” x 10”

Watercolor, 8” x 10”


Mid-spring the moss is rich and full. I perch on a rock and capture as much as I can before it is time to go. Time can be the best editor.

Watercolor, 8” x 10”

Watercolor, 8” x 10”


Hopping across the river where it narrows before dropping into a pool I turn and a fern grotto is relieved.

Watercolor, 8” x 10”

Watercolor, 8” x 10”


I went out sketching at the time when day turns towards the evening and the light in the woods drops. The air became still and silent as if I was the only one there.

Watercolor, 8” x 10”

Watercolor, 8” x 10”


I am so seduced by subtly and ambiguity that I almost always reach a point after laying in the watercolor where I ask, “should I add definition?” My sketching partner answered, “yes” and I did.

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